
A Milan branch of Extrabanca, an Italian bank that caters to immigrant clients.

This Italian bank caters to immigrants — and business is booming

In Italy, thousands of immigrants are opening businesses, but they often can’t get loans. Now, a new Italian bank has seized on the opportunity and has opened four new locations in six months.

California group helps immigrants move into traditional financial sector

With evictions already high, tensions boil over Spanish bank bailouts

As Federal Reserve meets, eyes on further economic stimulus measures

‘Student loans? We’ll pay ’em,’ say cities trying to fight brain drain

Banks have counter-intuitive problem: Too much money and nowhere to put it

As consumers try to find safe places for their cash, they’re putting banks in a pickle. Banks actually pay to keep you cash and because they’re not lending it or investing it, it’s costing them money.

Should I buy gold?

The price of gold has been skyrocketing, and investors are wondering if gold is a safe place to put your money.

China’s house slaves and real estate bubble

Home prices are skyrocketing in China, leading to a class of people calling themselves “house slaves.” But is this overheated market a bubble ready to burst?

Bank becomes rich by lending to poor

ACLEDA Bank began as a micro-lender, loaning tiny sums to allow Cambodians to open small businesses — now it’s become the country’s largest bank.

Argentines invest in cars to avoid inflation

Car sales in Argentina are going through the sun roof. Many people invest to avoid inflation.