Labour relations

Woman standing in front of poster

Want to see where immigration policy changes put workers at risk? Go to Harvard.

The end of Temporary Protected Status for many immigrants threatens the university’s support staff — and many of the campus’s more active union members.

Demonstrators holding posters march during a protest to demand higher wages for fast-food workers in front of a McDonald's fast-food restaurant in Tokyo's Shibuya shopping and amusement district May 15, 2014.

Fast-food workers around the world stage protests over low wages

Cesar Chavez, June 1974

What’s the legacy of Cesar Chavez?

Labor Laws Strengthened in Myanmar, But Workers Still Struggle

A New Kind of Organized Labor

Firefighters, other Scranton public employee wages suddenly cut to minimum wage

Global Politics

In the midst of a budget struggle, the mayor of Scranton, Pa., can’t get an agreement with the City Council. So, recently, he decided to cut the wages of the town’s employees to the federal minimum wage, $7.25 an hour, despite the fact they have contracts stating otherwise. This includes firefighters and other public employees.

Indiana House of Representiatives passes ‘right to work’ law

Global Politics

Indiana is set to become the 23rd state to pass a right to work law. The bill prohibits unions from entering into employment contracts that prevent workers from opting out of joining and paying dues to the union.

Tens of thousands rally as public employees strike in the United Kingdom

Global Politics

Public sector employees in the United Kingdom left their jobs and took to the streets on Wednesday to protest what they say is unfair negotiating and an unfair plan to cut their pensions. The government says it needs the cuts to balance the budget.

Union benefits unsustainable, states claim

In states like Wisconsin and Ohio, Republicans are leading the charge against unions, arguing that union benefits are unsustainable.

Tracking the underemployed

A look at the underemployed — part-time workers, temps, freelancers, contractors — and how they fit into a labor market squeezed by a deepening recession.